KWC is looking for a consultant to develop a case study to assess the potential volumes of legal timber production and main species available on registered cocoa and small plantations in the Ashanti Region
T he Kumasi Wood Cluster Association with support from the FAO, is implementing a project titled “Enhancing capacities for the establishment of legal and sustainable timber and forest-product value chains as part of the Restoration for Resilience and Recovery (3R) project in Ghana”. Implementation of activities outlined under this project will contribute to three of the four RAF regional priorities: Priority 1. Sustainable agri-food production systems; and priority 3. Climate action and sustainable natural resource management and priority 4. Building resilience, ending poverty.
In Ghana, under the umbrella of the 3R project, the FAO Forest and Farm Facility and the Legal and Sustainable Wood Programme are collaborating to promote the legality and sustainability of timber and agroforestry production and for the creation of inclusive green forest-based value chains. The 3R project intends to empower forest and farm smallholders and producers’ organizations, as well as micro small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the timber sector and forest communities at large, to take part in forest governance and advocate for policy changes. This will unlock new business opportunities, via increased linkages between value chain actors, improve livelihoods, and reduce the pressure over forest resources.
One key activity under this project is the production of a case study to assess potential volumes and revenues of legal timber production and main species available from registered cocoa plantations in the Ashanti region. The Ashanti region is one of the prominent cocoa producing areas in Ghana which falls within the high forest zone where timber production, both legal and illegal, is significant.
Documentation covering harvesting rights within the landscape may be fully or partially obtained from the Ghana Forestry Commission (FC). Information on timber harvesting would also be available through members of the Domestic Lumber Millers Association of Ghana (DoLMAG) to cross check with the FC data. Farm owners may likewise provide additional information on timber harvests from their plantations. Field assessment (using a small sample size of cocoa farms within selected districts) shall be used to further assess what species pools are predominant within the cocoa-productive landscapes and infer potential volumes for extraction. From the documentations and data sources, species and volume of timber should be extrapolated to account for timber that can potentially be derived from cocoa landscapes in the Ashanti region.
The field assessment and study will examine and review data from registered cocoa plantations of the following forest and farm producers associations: Kokoo Pa Farmers Association (KKFA); Private Afforestation Developers Organization (PADO), Kumasi and Offinso Fine Flavour Cocoa Farmers’ Cooperative (OFFCOP).
The Task
The consultant will:
- Document the number and type of harvesting rights on selected farms within cocoa landscapes registered with Kokoo Pa Farmers Association (KKFA); Private Afforestation Developers Organization (PADO), Kumasi and Offinso Fine Flavour Cocoa Farmers’ Cooperative (OFFCOP). The selection of the farms must be done in consultation with the listed forest and farm producer associations. The data collected must be verified with the Domestic Lumber Millers Association of Ghana or its relevant members.
- Undertake field assessment of the predominant tree species within the cocoa-productive landscapes, specifying their areas by hectares and infer potential volumes and values for extraction.
- Extrapolate the revenue streams that can be derived from the timber stock documented in 2 above.
Application process:
- A letter, expressing interest in the consultancy, outlining how you meet the selection based on their qualification, experience and their understanding of the ToR and proposed methodology. A written description as an expression of interest, the methodology, data collection, data analysis and expected results of the case study.
- Submission of CV.
- A proposed schedule/work plan for the tasks above.
If interested, download the full advert and respond to this call by submitting an expression of interest by email to the Executive Director at: gustavadu@gmail.com with a copy to admin@kwcgh.org latest by 26th April 2023. All enquiries should be directed to this same address.
For more information about the task, deliverables, level of effort/remuneration and application process, please click the button below to download the full announcement.
Deadline for application
11:59pm GMT, 26 April, 2023.